Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Whoops! It's been 4 months since my last post

There was an idea to this blog when I began in August: an outline of how I was going to progress through my blogs, explaining the various parts of JVC Northwest & Juneau, mostly for the purpose of filling in the gaps for any future JVs who are interested in learning a little bit about Juneau before they commit to a year here.  If I had an internet connection at my house, this idea may have been more easily brought to a reality.  But alas, simple living.  I am fine with this, actually.  It has been quite refreshing to have no internet or cable TV at the house, and because of the relative time input needed to access internet and go through the motions of putting up photos on a blog, I found it a better use of time to pursue other endeavors (mostly taking advantage of the opportunities, both indoor and outdoor, around Juneau).

But alas! I'm back, and with some new photos.  At some point during this JV year, I will continue on the "informative" track about my placement and whatnot, but for now, I'll post some pictures of a day ski I did with a few friends up to the John Muir Cabin by Auke Bay.  It cleared up yesterday, the sun peaked through the clouds for the first time in what seemed to be weeks, and we got a few fresh inches of powder on top of some crunchy snow, pretty good for nordic skiing up in Spaulding Meadows.  We hiked up the Spaulding Meadows trail in boots until we got up into the open meadows, then put on skis and made our way across to the John Muir Cabin.  Perfect day for a ski.  I wasn't able to stay the night at the cabin, so after a little snack and a cup of boxed wine, 2 of us headed down in partial dusk/darkness.  It was a rare, calm, sunny day in Juneau, and we were lucky to be up somewhere with a great view for it!